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Monday, May 6, 2013

Raised Garden Beds

This is actually a Homemade Memory four years in the making.
A while back I saw an episode of some unknown gardening show that was all about raised garden beds and was inspired.  Of course I was too excited to sit and research or draw out plans.  I ran to the local Tractor Supply Store, bought some bins and asked the hubby to make it work.  This is what he lovingly built for me:
That first year and every year since Bree gets involved in the planting and caring of the raised beds.  This year she wanted to try growing strawberries so we're giving it a go. 

The other raised bed is, has and always will be dedicated to growing green onions and chives for the hubby.  He loves onions and since he did build the beds I think its only fair to give him what veggies he wants.
The plants in the corner of the above bed are the pumpkin plants waiting to be put into the ground.  I need to rent a rototiller before doing so.
Due to having a newborn coming before too long, the main portion of my garden will be pumpkins.  But its just not summer unless you grow your own tomatoes.  Two of our containers will soon be home to cherry tomato plants (hopefully the perfect size for stuffing full of bacon and cream cheese) while the other two containers are busy growing basil plants for homemade pesto.

Until harvesting time, Bree won't have too much else to do with the garden.  I find weeding and pruning plants therapeutic whereas Bree finds it a time to play in the dirt, dig for worms and potentially hurt the plants.  In another week or so she'll get to plant flowers in her own flower pot and do whatever she wants with them.
Whether it be veggies, herbs or flowers, I think its very important to get your children involved in a garden.  Its all part of caring and protecting of nature and our environment.

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